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MV/HV switchgear equipment market study

Project background:

The client is a diversified global manufacturer with business in more than 150 countries, global revenues of 22.3 billion dollars and 111,000 employees. It has set up more than 40 enterprises in China, including more than 30 production facilities and nearly 20 R&D centers.

The needs of customers:

with power consumption demand increase in China, national investment in transmission and distribution facilities growth steadily, the clients want to enter high voltage switch equipment market, it wants to know voltage level, switch device type and product structure, industry application potential and development prospects, on the basis of research various kinds of high voltage switch equipment, and market size and development trend of key industries.

The service content:

Analyzed production process, power transmission and distribution system, and application characteristics of switch equipment in 11 key industries (key industries include power grid, thermal power, petrochemical, metro/light rail, railway, commerce, coal, iron and steel, iron ore, non-ferrous metal smelting, shipbuilding).

Research results:

Provide decision-making basis for customers to select market segments, and provide reference and support for customers to select acquisition targets.

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